Industrial engineer and senior consultant in strategy and organizational development

Certifications in management, strategy, positive psychology, and emotional intelligence

Vladimir Tovar Ordaz is a distinguished senior consultant in process management and optimization, and a strategic facilitator at our company. He holds an MBA from the Instituto de Empresa (IE) in Madrid, Spain, and a postgraduate degree in Organizational Behavior. As an industrial engineer, he is certified in Management from Stanford University, INSEAD, and Tecnológico de Monterrey; in Strategy and Development of Competitive Advantages from Harvard University; in Positive Psychology from St. Paul University; in Emotional Intelligence for Organizations from the Goleman Institute; and as a Workshop Master from WSmart Institute in Germany.

With twenty-seven years of diverse professional experience across manufacturing, construction materials, communications, real estate, and customer service sectors, he has held various roles, including manager, director, general manager, and vice president of operations. His career spans Venezuela, Spain, Puerto Rico, Guatemala, and the United States. Additionally, he has contributed as a mentor and judge for entrepreneurs at Grupo Guayacán and as a visiting professor of Leadership and Strategy at the Universidad del Sagrado Corazón in Puerto Rico.

At ACCO Advisory Group, Vladimir leverages his extensive skills in strategic facilitation, project management, process improvement, efficiency enhancement, change management, negotiation, strategic planning, market analysis, customer service, leadership, and team integration. 



El principito, by Antoine Saint – Exúpery


La vida es bella, directed by Roberto Benigni


Huracán, by Hakuna